Ultimate Trails of Penang (UToP) 2019
Registration for this event has closed
Race Concept
Penang Island is blessed with amazing numbers of trails for many decades. Blazed by the local inhabitants of Penang, these trails link up various heritage sites and points of interests all over the island. Starting from Youth Park and Botanical gardens, the trails spread out from the north to central and southern part of the Island, from Air Itam, Batu Ferringhi, to Teluk Bahang and Balik Pulau.
For decades, Penang people have taken to these trails during many of their weekends and public holidays. Some trails are easy and popular for the leisure weekend hikers, while others are rather hilly and less chartered which provide interesting challengers to serious climbers and trail runners.
Yet, for a long time, most of Penang trails have been a mystery for a lot of people in the Northern parts of Peninsula Malaysia, and Malaysia in general. Many Penang people have not been exposed to the many beauties and challenges of these trails.
Until Sep 2018. Ultimate Trails of Penang is conceived with a passion for nature trails. Following the successful inaugural edition on 23rd Sep 2018, where more than 400 participants signed up despite the late opening of registration 3 months prior to the race date. Participants have given the race a rave review. In 2019, a new 100km distance category with elevation gain of 6005 m will be added to the original 3 categories of 20km, 40km, and 60km. This will make UToP one of the toughest 100km trail race in Malaysia.
Actual Distance: 101.1km
Min/Max Elevation: 23/783m
Elevation Gain/Loss: 5,550m
Actual Distance: 62.00km
Min/Max Elevation: 23/783m
Elevation Gain/Loss: 3887m
Actual Distance: 43.00km
Min/Max Elevation: 23/770m
Elevation Gain/Loss: 2493m
Actual Distance: 20.20km
Min/Max Elevation: 23/770m
Elevation Gain/Loss: 1527m
For complete information about the race, please refer to the event's official website.
Non-MURA Members

MURA Members

Size Chart

Trail Running Race Event Preparation Workshops
Practical Class
Basic body strength and condition test
Quick Skills and Technique how to technical trails
Simulate the event terrain format experience
Basic Navigation skills & Running Effect on GPS Watch/Smartphones
Theory Class
Introduction the trail running event important information
How to prepare and pack gears
How to choose suitable trail running shoe
Basic Nutrition Plan - Before, during & after
Skills to strategy Elevation Profile & Checkpoints given by the organizer
Registration is FREE open to all UTOP 2019 participants. Non-Participants UTOP 2019 will be charge a fee of RM30 for each workshop
Time & Venue
Practical Class
21st September 2019
7:00am to 10:00am
Location: Taman Rimba Bukit Kerinchi
Theory Class
22nd September 2019
2:30pm to 4:30pm
Apple Physiotherapy Center, PJ
Ecosys Trail Running Training Program
Ecosys trail running program is optionally available as an addon (priced at RM260) when you're registering for this race*.
See complete details at the program's official page.
*If you have previously registered for this event without selecting the Ecosys Trail Running Program, you may still register for the training separately.